New hair, who dis babe?
Want to know what is a TERRIBLE idea?
Trying a new hair style right before your session. This is a surefire way to set yourself up for massive stress!
We highly recommend staying the course with your current look, so that we don't have to move your session because of a bad cut or color.
If you are truly desperate to change your locks, it's a good idea to do so in increments - as in don't drastically change your cut AND color at the same time!
Color is more easily correctable than a bad cut, so if you NEED to change your hair start by adjusting the color first.
Want to chop? Consider sticking to a length you have done in the past, or chop a little at a time leading up to your session so you don't go from waist-length to pixie in one fell swoop.
And bangs are NEVER a good idea unless you have successfully had them before. Ask me how I know :) LOL
“Learn to embrace your own unique beauty, celebrate your unique gifts with confidence. Your imperfections are actually a gift.”